Wouldn't you like to find this in your Inbox?
Guess who can climb out of his box now? This means I have to be VERY careful when I walk into the room, there's no telling where this little tyke will be. He slept very well last night after his long day of adventures. He's developing a personality, fussing at me sometimes when I pick him up. Of course, I guess I do pick him up A LOT! How can you resist?
Mom is driving me crazy! She wants to get out of the room, so much so that she will yowl at the door and paw at it ALL NIGHT LONG! The last few nights, I've had to get up around 2 or 3AM just to shut her up. She gets lonely, I think. The Humane Society told me to keep them separate, but I think I'm going to have to let her out to roam around. She's annoying me to death.
Job Hunt
Yes, I do still look for a job. Absolutely nothing. I did get a lead from a recruiter on Tuesday, but I haven't heard. I'll call them today, but as we all know, if they wanted me, they would have called by now. Alas. I'm reading an interesting book about the Free Agent Nation (FAN) and how the work force has changed in the last 10 years. I know this has been true in IT, but evidently it's moving to other industries also. Everyone is a consultant, or contingent worker or Job Whore, whatever you want to call them. No one stays employed for too long, and gone are the days of spending years with one company. So when you go for an interview and you are asked 'Where do you see yourself in 10 years?' you can truthfully answer 'Not here'. If the hiring manager asks that question, he doesn't get it.
Other Things
Barring Betty keeping me awake tonite, I'll be going to Toastmasters tomorrow morning. If I don't get up to go to work, I can atleast get up early once a week, even if it is Saturday!
I'm meeting a woman for lunch today that was at the Networking meeting in Marietta a few weeks ago. She made the effort to contact me for networking purposes, and I feel that's the kind of person I need to associate with. She's a paralegal, so we really can't help each other too much with the networking, but it's something to do.
April 1989 - 2007

Lucky 1993-2008
Sorry to bring everyone down, but these were great kitties! Just go back up to the first picture posted to look at another great kitty who's just starting out!
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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