Harry & Betty, cont'd
These two are gettin

They play together a lot, and she can be pretty rough on the little guy. He'll squeal at her but they'll still tumble together on the floor.

Harry has learned to crawl out of his box! You'll hear this scratching and then a thump and he's fallen out. Problem is, he can't get back in, so he sleeps on the floor a lot.
This is to give you an idea of how little Harry is. Just a handful!
Now for the permanent residents:

Job Hunt
Got some feedback from a recruiter, the hiring manager wanted someone 'more technical'. Don't know what they mean about that, I was a programmer for over 20 years. Could it be age discrimmination? I'll never know.
My Economic Stimulus check is going to pay for my first installment of COBRA insurance. Yes, I'm submitting that the the Vent in the AJC.
Hell Is Freezing Over
Bob Barr announced yesterday that he's running for president. I may vote for him. Yes, it's in writing, it's being published on the web for the world to see. I couldn't stand the man when he 'represented' me when I lived in Cobb County, but since he's jumped ship to the Libertarians, I'm liking more and more what he's saying. Either I'm getting older, or Bob Barr just got smarter!
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
1 comment:
The baby is SO cute!!
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