I thought a picture of Racoon and Gremlin was a pretty good shot. Rocky hung out for several hours, laying at the foot of my driveway, hanging out in the road, not moving much. My neighbor walked his dog by Rocky and Rocky arched his back and took a defensive stance, then sat down.
Animal Control called about 9:30 to see what was up. Of course I couldn't see Rocky, and basically didn't go out to look. I had called them about 7, what did they expect? Animal Control told me to call if I saw him in the morning. I haven't seen him yet, I think he was just looking for a place to die, he didn't seem right. I kept the kitties off the front porch, just to be safe.
This picture was just too cute to not take:
The Cat and Mouse. Mama let him stay on the computer desk today. I guess he's growing up. Mama is trying to get out of the room. She escaped twice yesterday, prying the door open. She whines all the time, very loudly. I think she's lonely, or claustrophobic. I called the Humane Society to see if I could let her out to visit, but they said no. I will try again, I need some sleep!
Issues I've always got issues!
It's been about 6 weeks since I was so uncermoniously terminated, and I've never gotten any information about my COBRA benefits. I called the insurance company who told me to call my old company. Darn, I knew that, I just don't want to talk to those people. So I sent my old Account Manager an email stating 'I'm not sure that I got my COBRA benefits information, could you resend it?'. Of course I got an email from someone else in the company who told me I'd get the stuff by Friday. Oops, did they forget? I doubt it. I have NO confidence in this company, they took 3 months to get direct deposit to work, they asked me to fill out my medical forms after I'd been with the company 4 months and had already done that before I was hired. Now this. Can you say 'Incompetence'?
For the past 3 nights, I can't get any stations on Direct TV. I get a message 'Searching for satellite' and nothing. I get reception fine during the day, but none at night. I've been thinking about dumping them for awhile, but I called Customer Service to see what they could do. I got a very pleasant young lady, she was polite and friendly. I had to go thru about 5 minutes of recorded 'Try this and see what happens' before I spoke to a real person. In the meantime, Miss K was laying on my bed with her head hanging over the edge of the matress. I was petting her and playing with her while on hold. When the real person picked up the line, I turned my back on Miss K to speak with the woman, and Miss K bit me on the butt. How can one maintain decorum when your cat bites you on the butt? This prompted a long conversation about cats, she had one and we shared stories.
The only thing she could do for me is to schedule a maintenance call, at my expense. I think I had this same problem last year, but I was a new customer last year and it didn't cost me anything. I think a tree limb or leaves is blocking the signal, but I'm not paying someone to come out and tell me that. So I cancelled my service. I don't need it anyway. Too many channels when all I watch are just a few, mostly local. I don't think I'll miss it. Maybe now I'll become more productive.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
More Baby Pictures!!!!
BTW, when I left my last job, I specifically asked for the COBRA paperwork, and 3 or so months after this request, I still haven't received it.
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