Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hump Day Already

My how time flies when you're having fun!?!?

Doctors Visit
Thankfully the doctor's visit turned out much better than expected. It wasn't a problem, and they shot it with liquid nitrogen to freeze it. It will just fall off as it heals. Since there was also a 4th year medical student working with him, I was a Good Example for her. He looked at my arms, legs and face and took out the nitrogen. Seems all these spots my mom calls 'Liver Spots' or 'Age Spots' are really sun damage. I was told on my last visit that they charge $15 a spot to remove this stuff, but these guys went nuts and didn't count. I had 15 places on my face, arms and legs frozen. It feels like a needle prick and wasn't too comfortable driving home in a rough sweater, but it's all good. I look like a pin cushion, with somewhat swollen red spots, but I'll be gorgeous when they all fester up and fall off. (Gross! They don't fester, they just blister, but when you're talking about your face, they may as well fester...)

Georgia Legislature
According to the AJC, there was a big speech on the floor of the Ga General Assembly was about abortion. 'State Rep. Martin Scott (R-Rossville) urged fellow House members to sign onto a resolution outlawing abortion in Georgia.' Do you see that door to the future closing? Slamming shut and locking with no hope of ever opening? Remember, we also can't buy liquor on Sundays, and can't vote on the possibility of doing that. They are also considering a bill (HB89) that would allow employees to carry and store guns in their cars at work. And they are saying this will pass.
I guess in Ga we can potentially kill our co-workers, but a woman can't choose what she does with her life. Read the article I linked to above. There is actually a quote about the abortion bill : "Scott decried "the culture of death" spawned by the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion more than three decades ago." Does anyone else see a dichotomy in this statement??

The Train Wreck
Again, one of my favorites, Leonard Pitts, Jr put it like it is, or should be. Britney Spears isn't just a clueless entertainer, she's seriously in trouble and needs help. She does not need the press following her every move. I've had the misfortune to watch sometimes a TV show called 'TMZ' and they feature 'candid' shots of celebs. It's done in a newsroom format, with some guy writing on a transparent board (as used on CSI, so you can get a picture of what they're writing and who's writing it as they write it) and all these young 'reporters' talking about their celeb spottings. Who cares? Who cares that Leonardo diCaprio ate at a NY deli? Who cares that David Hasslehoff (?) is a drunk? People, we have to STOP watching this crap so it won't be broadcast. Yes, celebs lose some privacy just by the nature of thier job, but they don't deserve to be stalked! Give even Brittney some dignity and privacy to work out her issues. See how Lindsey Lohan disappeared? She's working on it.

Still haven't gotten that 'date'. I'm in the initial greeting stage with several guys, but I've only met one so far, and he never asked me out again. (I admit, it could have been due to lack of interest on my part, but he never called me! ( Whine! ). I've got a few weeks still, and there is hope. (Remember, the initial meeting I don't consider a 'date', it's if they ask you out after that. IMHO, that means they are interested in getting to know you a bit better. That's a 'Date'.)

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

It is only a date if they pay!!

NancyT said...

On an Itial Greeting, it's nice that they pay, but if they ask me out, They Pay. If they don't pay, it's NOT a date.

Anonymous said...

hey there miss feminist (I can't remember the other title that was bestowed on you that night in midtown)- why does the guy have to pay? Why don't you ask him out, and you pay? it just might move things along faster, since you are on a time schedule. (some guys would like that)

Anonymous said...

Any guy that would let a girl pay, even if she asked him out, is CHEAP. And you don't want a CHEAP guy, trust me on this one.....and beware of guys that use coupons on dates!!!

NancyT said...

I'm not asking him out because I have to know that I'm interesting enough to be asked out. (Low Self-esteem issues). I've learned in life sometimes the Old Fashioned way is the best.

About the coupons: I've had many a conversation with co-workers and friends about this. If I'm on a date, he had better NOT use coupons (or if they do, work it out with the wait-staff before so I don't know about it.) If I'm not worth the full price of dinner, then I'm not worth bedding. Maybe after we've been dating for awhile, but in the 'I'm trying to impress you' stage, a coupon is definately NOT going to impress me.

NancyT said...

And BTW,the label was : Man Hating socialist.

Anonymous said...

Most men do not want to be asked out by a woman. they may say they do but they are very off-put by it. I agree,IMHO, that if he is interested HE will ask you out. if he isn't interested, he won't.
just that simple

Anonymous said...

look at all these comments...... and I could say maybe guys "your" age don't want to be asked out, but I'm not that much younger. You know me, I'm just trying to cause trouble over her. And - my hubby liked it (way back when) when I asked him out. If I would have waited around for him, we might never have gone out.

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, I have to agree: the gentleman should pay. Establish the "split the check" bill up front is establishing how you will be treated. If any guy balks at paying for the first date, run, run away!

Not to say there's anything BAD with asking out a guy...but just imho :), women should be wined-and-dined and courted.

All this being said, it has been WAY too long since I read your blog. What is this dating thing you're doing? Is it a dating group/matchmaker/internet type thing? Because I'm so about to find something like that myself this season!