Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday #2

So far, it's going to be One Of Those Days. I was up late last night talking to a friend, so I slept late today. I also had some problems as Miss K was cuddled very close to me and I was afraid to move too much. So I'm rushing around trying to get ready to leave and I decided to pack some fruit for a snack today. I put it into a plastic container as the one it comes in doesn't travel too well. I'm also pre-occupied because I have a dermatologist appointment today to have a mole removed. It could be another cancer issue, but we'll see. Anyway, I get to the train station and realize I should have dressed a bit warmer. I'm walking very fast, just to keep warm. I get a seat on the train and realize I'm leaking. The container I put the fruit in seems to not have a very good seal. So no my sweater needs to be washed, my backpack needs to be washed, my umbrella got some juice on it, as did my shoes. This is all before I get to work today.... Let's hope the day gets better!

Weekend Wedding
A co-worker got married on Saturday. I really don't know this woman very well, we've only been working together for a few months, but she invited me. It was held in a lovely, old chapel in Decatur, at the 1st United Methodist Church. She's in her 50's and so is her husband, they've both been married before and have adult children so a lot of the 'fluff' of a wedding wasn't needed. There were no ushers, and when the minister came out from his office at the side of the church, he was followed by the bride and groom. No attendants, no walking down the aisle. Another co-worker said she showed up 5 minutes late and pretty much missed the ceremony. The reception was held in a small room right off the chapel, with finger food, snacks and punch. No alcohol or anything fancy. I hung around until the cake was cut, and went home. It took all fo 2 hours. Not bad. They are going to Key West for a week, then back to reality. They've been together about a year, I think, and I belive they are living together. The bride was glowing, just grinning from ear-to-ear, as was the groom. The brides oldest son gave a short speech at the reception that had everyone in tears. Very nice affair, nothing like the weddings of my youth. I guess they've got nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else.

Dekalb's Finest
This morning, on my way to work, I watched a very positive action. I was at a stop light, and my side had the red light. I was going straight, and a Dekalb cop drove up into the left turn lane. When he got the green arrow, he couldn't turn right away as 2 people were turning left across him. He hesitated, then did a u-turn and got at least one of those guys for running a red light. Way to go!

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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