Monday, December 03, 2007

Decision Time

It's come sooner than I thought. I decided at 5am to telecommute today and take April to the vet. She's still eating (always a good sign) but she seems to be struggling to get a breath and she's not moving much. She hasn't improved over the weekend, maybe even gotten worse. So I called the vet this morning. We had a nice discussion, the vet agreed that there are some heart issues, and with her advanced age, I was correct in assuming it's her time to go to the Rainbow Bridge.

I decided to bring her home and enjoy her company a bit more, but the time is soon. I have the same dilemma with this one that I did with Misty, how do you spoil an already spoiled cat? I would like to wait until this weekend, when I have some time, so I'll see. I could take her back today, and the vet suggested I not wait too long. She's had thyroid issues for awhile, which can contribute to heart problems. I most certainly don't want to find a deceased cat.

April History
I got April in June, 1999. Her owners were moving to Africa and couldn't take her, so the person they sold thier home to said they'd take her. At the last minute, they backed out of taking the kitty, so my co-worker told me about the 'cat emergency'. The owners were going to be forced to take her to a shelter as they were leaving the next day. I took her, thinking I'd find someone to adopt her as she was 8 years-old at the time, and I had put one kitty down the year before and had another elderly kitty at home. So I went to her house and all that was in there was the kitty and a foot stool. It was her chair, and it came with the cat.

I brought her home on a Friday night, and ironically, I had to take Big Kitty in to the vet the following morning and have him sent to the Rainbow Bridge. I already had Misty, so April helped ease the pain of losing Big Kitty. She was a big, furry black and white kitty, who made noises like Gizmo, the Gremlin. She sat on my lap and purred and I was hooked. She is the Best Lap Kitty in the world, sitting on you lap and purring when she wants to. She talks a little, squawking at you like a duck, only not as loud. She loves her food, and at one point ballooned up to 11 lbs. An overweight cat has other issues, so her name for awhile was 'Sh*tty Kitty'.

Let me run and spend time with her, she just fell over and squawked, so it's not looking good.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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