Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Hi-Jacking..

Wow, who was that crazy lady that posted yesterday? All she talked about was her sad and scary! ;-)

History Lessons
Yes, I've been absorbed in some lectures that I discovered online. It's a series of history lectures on all types of social and political models that came to be from all the turmoil (religious reformation, political upheaval usually based on religious reformation, socio-economic issues) of the 15th - 18th centuries. Yesterday was 'Religious Wars and Witchcraft' although only 15 minutes of a 2 hour lecture was devoted to witchcraft. One thing I find very interesting is the parallel that we could draw to today. We have religious uprisings, socio-economic changes and the high-tech revolution. Same Sh*t, Different Day. We never learn.

Dating, or attempting to..
I've had a goal for about 1.5 years now to get a date before I turn 50, and with that date looming LARGE, I have attempted again. But this time, I'm making more of an effort to meet and greet. Most of the guys that express an interest are out of state, or some out of the country, or the wrong demographics. I shared emails with one guy and ended up calling him last night. We have lots in common, he's a active musician, likes the same type of 'weirdo' music I do, into hiking, he lives close to me and owns cats. We even have mutual acquaintences. I spoke to him on the phone last night, but I didn't feel much synergy. He was pleasant, and I'd love to meet him in person.

My definition of a 'date' is NOT meeting someone from the internet for the first time. A 'date' is when a guy wants to take you somewhere (and pay for it) in order to get to know you better because he's interested in YOU, not just to meet you to see if he's interested. So the first meeting is not a 'Date', but if he asks me out again, it is.

The other guy seems to be too busy to even send an email of more than a few lines, only to tell me he doesn't have time to write more. He's either really too busy (and why would I want to date a man too busy?) or he's terribly shy. He's been divorced and I get the feeling this is his first foray into the dating scene, so he's probably scared. I'll attempt to send him a fluffy, flirty email and see what the response is.

I have issues with 'shy' people. At this point in life (40 +) you should have enough social graces to be able to carry on a conversation with a stranger, regardless of shyness. The conversation probably won't be too in depth, but you should be able to initiate a conversation, especially if you want a girlfriend.

The Weekend Again?
This is the first full week I've worked since the first week in November, and it wasn't too bad. This weekend is filling up, there's a hike on Saturday that I'm interested in, but Sunday is supposed to be rainy (for Atlanta. It will probably just be cloudy) and cold. Fortunately. I ordered some beads to fill the requests I've had and I should get them today. So I'll be making necklaces, watch bands and earrings on Sunday.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

how do you know the poster yesterday was a lady???

NancyT said...

Very good point. But when the blogger said that the kitty sat on the toilet seat, we all know that men don't put the seat down.....

Anonymous said...

On the radio yesterday they mentioned a dating site for cat lovers...purrsonals (or something like that!). I thought of you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a dating site for other cats!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's for furrbies