True Business Woman?
I've got several orders for jewelry gifts from people here at work and I just ordered some stuff yesterday. I did spend the long weekend looking for stuff but never found anything, so last night I ordered it. I've got a bracelet I need to fix, a necklace and bracelet that need restringing, 2 necklaces I need to make and a watch band I need to create. I can knock all this out in a few short if I have all the tools, and I'm still looking for one thing. They will get it hopefully by the begining of next week. (Guess what I'm doing this weekend?)
Health Issues
I need to make an appointment for the dermatologist, eye doctor, and internist. Since the brain surgery I had last year (not really, I just had a spot removed from my skull), I need to go to the dermatologist regularly now. Just one more thing to do on my birthday. I try to schedule all my annual checkups around my birthday so I can remember when I had them done and remember to do them. So that's just one more thing to add to the list.
I need to go to the eye doctor and see about getting glasses. I had lasik surgery almost 10 years ago, but things keep changing. I had a procedure called mono-vision where they make one eye stronger than the other so I didn't need reading glasses at that time. Because of this, I've always had some problems driving at night, with the glare and all, but it's getting worse. I'm having issues reading road signs during the day, too. I'm going to call the Lasik place to see if I can get a discounted 'tweak' for my surgery, otherwise, I'm back to wearing glasses. No, let me rephrase that, I will have to wear bifocals. God, this getting old sucks.
Single Life or something like that
It's been my goal to at least get a date before the Big Birthday, and so far I've been a failure. I started loosing weight, but that's stalled. I need to rededicate myself to loosing again, get rid of all the junk in the house and start eating better. I also need to find some social outlets. Where does a Middle-Aged woman go to meet eligible men? My problem is I enjoy staying home, reading, watching TV, listening to music, making jewelry, doing whatever, as opposed to going out to what? A bar? God No. A wine tasting? That could work, except for the drinking and driving thing. Where else is there to go?
I'm usually OK with being single, it's been The Way for my entire life. But for some reason, this Holiday Season is hitting me already. Could be that I'm not taking my Happy Pills or all the Hormonal Issues I'm having or all the excitement with the Family this summer, but I'm feeling a bit blue. It could also be the Big Birthday coming up. At this very moment, I'm convinced it's the Hormonal Issues, and I'm probably a better person for staying home. You can't get angry at a kitty that licks your nose, but you can get pissed at a person for leaving the seat up. So maybe it's for the best.
MP3 Players
I'm still learning about my MP3 Player, but I learned last night how to delete stuff on the player using my computer. I'm also thrilled that I can listen to some of my CD's without going thru batteries (as with the portable CD Player). I'm also learning new terms (ripping music, burning music, sync-ing stuff). So far, it's been 3 days and I haven't lost it yet. Next up, trying to figure out how to access the music site I've got a free 2 month membership to and download more stuff and learning about podcasts.
In todays AJC, there is an editorial by a gentleman named Charley Reese , a conservative OP-ED writer, with Libertarian leanings. I couldn't find a link to the editorial, but his stuff looks like good reading. He makes some very interesting points today about how Political Correctness will be the death of democracy. His quote 'A free people ought to be able to think and say whatever they please. Of course, our main problem is that our politicians chooose to say nothing.' Wow, great ideas. Here's another link about foreign issues the US faces. He's on to something, I think.
This was in the AJC today. So appropriate.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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