Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hump Day and I'm Teleworking

Just didn't feel like going in today. Based on some of the emails I've read, they seem to be eating quite well there. I got up, went to get coffee and some eggs (for even MORE deviled eggs tomorrow) and I've actually been accomplishing something.

Turkey Day
I've been invited to two different 'orphan' parties tomorrow. I'll be attending one for sure, and I may put in an appearence at the other. I am trying to round up some folks to do some more biking on Friday, it's supposed to be cold and windy, but not that cold. It will be good to get out and work off the Turkey.

They are predicting rain tonite and tomorrow, but each time I hear the weather the rain amounts get less and less. Supposedly there's another storm coming for maybe the weekend, so keep your fingers crossed. We need rain badly. Check out some of the
pictures of the drought issues. Very scary and sad.

More Thoughts on Things I Can't Do Anything About

Seems like Scott McClellan, former White House press secretary has an axe to bury. He's written a book revealing that in fact VP Cheney and Bush mislead the public about the Valerie Plame leak. Duh. Read this
article, published on American Thinker, a conservative webpage, then compare it with this article, published on the Huffington Post, a liberal webpage. They are reporting on the same story, but decidly different sides. Proves my point, no one is right or wrong, it's just OPINION, not straight facts. You will believe what you want to believe. A well-rounded, educated, informed person will read both sides of the issue and form their own opinion, not spout off one side as Truth and Fact. Get over yourself.

Today in the OP/Ed part of the AJC,
Leonard Pitts wrote an interesting article about women as leaders, (which, by the way, has a different title in different newspapers Google : 'Leonard Pitts women leaders' and see what you get. ) It says what has been an issue forever, the successful woman is a 'b*tch', the successful man is 'confident'.

And speaking of 'B*tches', why is it the Conservative Right can slander people with bad language, but a Liberal gets raked over the coals? I'm speaking of the woman mentioned in the above article who referred to Hillary Clinton as a 'b*tch' vs. Sally Fields who went off at the Academy Awards ceremony (which I didn't see, I've only read about. What did she say that was so horrible, anyway?) If you don't like foul language, you don't like it coming from anyone, regardless who the focus is on. WTF? * disclaimer: I've been known to use foul language, but I try not to use it on the blog. It cheapens what you're trying to say.

Michael Vick is getting hit financially to pay for the upkeep of his dogs. BooHoo.

The Army Corps of Engineers is prepared to release 5% less water from Lake Lanier in the next few days. At what point in 'civilization' does the plight of endangered species become more important than the survival of humans? This one is a no brainer to me, but yet we are still fighting over it? Ya know, Florida and Alabama, if the drought continues, there will be NO NEED for power plants and fishing industries, we all would have died of thirst.

Have a Great Turkey Day and join me on the Silver Comet Trail Friday!

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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