Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Very SLOW Week

I Love this weather! 78 degrees today, 50's at night. And it's November.

A Senior Moment
My Dad will turn 85 on Nov 21. Congratulations, Dad! The Rest of the Family (Mom, Dad, Big Sis and Little Sis) went to dinner one night last week. I got a call from the Parental Units to let me know how much fun they had/were having. Mom and Big Sis are Gin drinkers (Gross), but Lil Sis and I buy Mom Tanquerey for her to drink because she won't buy it herself. We've b*tched at Big Sis because she doesn't buy the stuff, but she sure does drink it! Mom said Big Sis bought some real Expensive Gin this time, you know, Seagrams. Big Sis is no fool, if 2 Lil Sis's expend the money, why shouldn't she enjoy it??

Anyway, seems they went out to dinner and ordered cocktails. After the drinks cam Big Sis had to leave the table (probably to go to the bathroom, you know how those old people and their bladdars are...) so Mom reached over and poured Big Sis' drink into her glass. When the waitress came over to see if all was OK, Big Sis told her that her mother had stolen her drink. That poor waitress, looking over to see my Grey-Headed Old Mama being acused of an unthinkable act by another Grey-Headed not as Old Woman. She earned her tip that night! This is one reason why I am the way I am... And yes, Big Sis, b*tch all you want, I'm STILL younger than you!

Sports Thoughts

Michael Vick turned himself in this morning. He seems to have gotten smarter, or at least listening to smarter men. He avoided all the controversy of all the other times he went to jail. I guess he's done with making a spectacle of himself.

Yea! Tommy is Back! The Braves just re-signed Tom Glavin from the NYMets. Now if we could just get Greg Maddox back, we could have the Geriatric Pitching Staff that will Win the World Series. You Go, Tom!

Several UGA basketball players were suspended after breaking some team rules. It's about time. Someone has to teach these athletes that they aren't above the law. And most were starters.

Holiday Plans
I've been invited to 2 Thanksgiving Dinners, and maybe I'll make both of them! I'm planning on hiking or biking on Friday as I have the day off (the Ga State Government is celebrating Robert E Lee's birthday, really Jan 19). Gotta work off the turkey and wine!

And remember, fellow Georgians, the liquor stores will be OPEN on Thanksgiving Day, but you can't purchase Hard Liquor. You can buy beer and wine, just no hard liquor. Aren't we thrilled to have Big Brother making sure we take care of ourselves?

Have a great Turkey Day, give Thanks for all the good things in your life (family, friends, health, roof over your head, job, pets, and as predicted, RAIN!) Do a google of 'lake Lanier Drought pictures' and look at some of the shots of the Lake. Roads are reappearing after 50 years of being underwater. Scary stuff. I might ride up there some time this weekend, just to look.

I think I'll Telecommute tomorrow....

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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