Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Cat Ate My Ear Buds....

and other soft porn. That sounds nasty, doesn't it? Well, after looking more closely, my guess was right as to why the MP3 player doesn't work, Katrina chewed the ear buds. She has a nasty habit of doing stuff like that.

I have 3 cats and they all have distinct habits. Isn't it funny, if you're not a cat person, they're all alike, but if you get a kitty, then the personality becomes more pronounced. My Old Kitty, April is the Best Lap Kitty ever, she used to sit on laps and purr. I discovered that it wasn't necessarily that she like the person, it was that you were sitting in her spot and she wanted to sit there. She loved to be brushed, and eating was her hobby. She's slowing down now, and I'm afraid she'll be crossing the Rainbow Bridge soon. She's rather contrary like most Old Ladies. I can't brush her much, she snaps and hisses and she spends most of her time curled up on the warm bed sleeping. She doesn't come to meet me when I get home anymore, she's asleep on the bed. Food is still a passion, but not so much anymore, but April is a plant eater. I can't have any live plants on the floor, they become April snacks. I have to watch plastic ones, too. Ive put potted Hostas on the front porch, only to have them shredded by the Old Lady.

Remy, the Himalayan, is the Queen of Everything. She's beautiful and she knows it. It's funny to watch the little fur ball running down the hallway or just sitting on the front porch. (It's even funnier to watch her slide on the hardwood floors, but that's another story!) She likes the cold, and I've been known to bring her in from the front porch when it's 20 degrees. Cold is really nothing to her, with her Major fur coat. I get her a lion cut in the summer as it's too much for both of us to deal with. She becomes a much smaller cat, about 1/3 of her furry size. She Loves it. As my dad started calling her this summer 'Punkin Head', a big head, big feet, and a poof on her tail. Remy is the one who will pee on the clothes or towels or rugs in my bathroom floor if the litter box is not to her satisfaction. She also pees on any sheets I've taken off the bed and put in the floor. When I first brought her home, we had Litter box issues, she evidently wasn't a Happy camper. We've resolved most of these issues, but she is the most finicky about litterboxes. I can also count on her to drag socks down the hall. If I find a balled up sock anywhere in the house, Remy has been playing with it. She also likes to sleep on my stomach or hip. There's something comforting about a small, fuzzy fur ball purring on your stomach (talk about Soft Porn!)

Then there's Miss Katrina. I've never known a cat like this one. She's got an abundace of personality, and just seems to take over. When I brought her home for the first time, there wasn't much hissing and fighting, she just became the Dominant Cat, all others deferred to her. She has an oral fixation, chewing cords, papers, cork board, toilet paper, plastic containers, just about anything she can get close to. She will chew fingers and arms, too, if provoked. If, in the morning when I'm dressing, I don't give her enough attention, she sits on the toilet seat and destroys the roll of toilet paper. I didn't think she ate the paper she tore off, but I'm finding that she does that. If I leave the roll of toilet paper on the floor, it's history. I can go on forever about this kitty, but let's just leave it at she's fearless, helpful, inquisitive, an escape artist and very smart. When she does escape, she comes right up to me in the yard and rubs up against me. How can you be angry at a kitty who wants to lick your nose?

Someday, I promise, I'll post pictures.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love the kitties....