Job Hunt
I did have a phone interview yesterday with a company in the DC area. It was a 'technical' interview, 2 folks in an office on speaker phone. I was a nervous wreck, but I think I did OK. The gentleman conducting the interview had a very heavy accent, but for some reason it wasn't that difficult to understand. He was hispanic, and I guess I'm used to hispanic accents. I think it went well, so what does this mean? Another week of waiting. They will be making a decision later this week. I hate this.
Other Issues
I'm meeting with a real estate agent Friday to discuss what has to be done in order to put this house on the market. I've bought some paint to redo the living room and the kitchen, and he's got connections to get the floorboards put in and other fixes, so we're off. I think these passed few weeks has been tense, if I put the house on the market, I'm going to have to keep it spotless for people coming in to look at it. I'm not a neat person, I like a home to look and feel 'lived-in'. It would be so much easier to live somewhere else while this is happening.
Same Old Same Old
They say you can't expect different results from doing something the same way, but here I sit. I can't think of how to do anything different. The networking thing didn't work, at least the networking I did, I got my last job thru All the leads I've gotten have been thru a job board. That just gave me an idea! I'll work on that today.
The other issue I've got is that I've spoken with several recruiters for jobs, but haven't heard back. I called one yesterday and he said the company hasn't approved the position yet, they just want resumes. So is this true? Does that mean that if I see another position advertised by this company I can't apply, for fear of double applying for a job? So how long must I wait? We all know companies don't make decisions quickly, even for an 'urgent' need. Is the recruiter being truthful or are they putting me off because they don't have the balls to tell me I wasn't selected? I hate this.
Is there anybody out there?
I haven't had any comments from the blog in a long while, is anybody reading?
Personal Assistant
With all the suff keeping me busy(!?) I've had to hire an assistant. I don't think she's working out, do you?
She's protecting the desk pretty well. I had to reboot the computer yesterday as she fell asleep on the keyboard 'Enter' button. When I woke her up to move her and tried to get on the internet, I got a Windows message saying I shouldn't select the icon 38 times. Oops. But she's so cute! Think her diet is working?
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
I am definitely reading (and sending good job vibes your way daily). :) Just been up to my eyeballs in work! And reaaaalllly wishing I were a slut who could just get sugar daddies. Oh, yes, daddies. Plural.
I am here too. Just kind of quiet these days. Husband is enjoying it.... Just kidding
Baby Niece
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