Talk about ups and downs! Gosh, one minute I'm planning on having an interview in DC, the next minute the company pulls the position. One minute I've got nothing in the works, the next I'm planning a phone interview. Keep checking back, I'm sure things will change...
As of now, I will have a phone interview with a contracting group for the Library of Congress. Wouldn't that be cool?? Keep your fingers crossed.
This Weekend
Friday evening, my real estate agent and his partner came for dinner. I had worked with George at the DOC and I knew his birthday was Sunday, so I made a broccoli salad, sauteed some veggies and bought an oven roasted chicken. I also bought some candles and a cake to suprise them with. Boy, was he suprised! We had a great time.
Saturday I went to a party and met some neighbors that I just loved. Great people! They live on my walking route, so I've walked past their house several times.
Sunday I painted. I painted the hall, and part of the kitchen. My back and legs hurt today, but I must go on. I need boxes to pack things in, I need room to put these boxes. It's always something!
Let me introduce you to my new tennants.
Mama and 5 kittens! As you can see, mama is white with light buff colorings (she looks like she's been rolling around in the Georgia clay!) 2 white kittens and 3 black kittens. A writhing mass of kitten fur. Today there are 4 out of 10 eyes open.
We've been playing a little game of Hide the Kittens.
Saturday morning, this is what I found when I went into the room:
They were in there the last time I saw them!
Here's a better view:
She put them in a wine crate, so I'm guessing I'll have to name them something winey. Bonny Doon and her babies? There's an Ernest and Julio, or a Kendall and Jackson in there somewhere. As soon as I can tell what sex the kittens are, and how to tell them apart, I can name them.
Sunday morning, she'd moved them again, this time she deposited them in the filing cabinet.

I took the bottom drawer out and lined the cabinet, so they're all comfy and safe. I also moved the desk into another room so Miss Katrina, my Office Assistant wouldn't get pissed.
Of course there will be many more pictures, even individual portraits, when they become something more than a blind ball of squealing fur.
I took the bottom drawer out and lined the cabinet, so they're all comfy and safe. I also moved the desk into another room so Miss Katrina, my Office Assistant wouldn't get pissed.
Of course there will be many more pictures, even individual portraits, when they become something more than a blind ball of squealing fur.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
The babies are so cute....
I hope you do better naming than Hairy. How about Sangria, Port, Burgandy, Chardonay and Pinot for the kittens and Champagne for mom.
They are so cute.
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