Friday, August 08, 2008


Even in European date format you know what today is. So tonite at 08:08:08 let's all uncork the champagne.

I remember way back when, my friend was hired by the company I worked with on 08.08.88. Seems like just yesterday, or an entire lifetime ago.

Job Hunt
Still nothing. I've given up on the DC job with FEMA. I've now got focus on jobs with DHS, NIH, Dominion Power and Verizon, to name just a few. Recruiters have called with positions in these departments, all up in DC or Richmond. There still may be a few more still in the pipeline, so who knows? Just keep applying, and keep waiting.

What To Do?
I spoke with a real estate agent this week, he came by and we looked at the house next door that sold already, and the one further up the street that has been on the market for awhile. According to my agent, (I'm still in the decision-making phase) the average time a comprable house in this area stays on the market is 54 days. I've known 2 houses (the one next door, and a friend about a mile away) who've sold their homes in a very short time. The prices are good, so what the hell? I've got some stuff to do inside and out just to make it look nice, but at least I'll have a plan and something to do.

Then what? I could live in my car (Hah! A black car in Atlanta in the summer. With 2 cats. Right!) Hopefully I'd have a job by the time my house sold. Most people, at 50, are selling their house to prepare for retirement, I'm selling my house to move in with my parents. I'm really trying hard not to think of myself as a Real Loser.

It's going to be a nice weekend, a bit cooler and low humidity, I'll have to get outside and do some gardening, or weeding and covering. I have this idea about burlap bags and mulch...

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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