Booster Shots
PAWS Atlanta got in touch with me yesterday that it's time for Harry's 2nd shots, and if he's 2 lbs, they'll neuter him. And then he's off to his new home. So I will be taking him in today, for the last time. I'm sad, but not too. He's going to a loving home with his mommy, and I don't have to clean up the cat pee any more. He's a cutie, though and he and Katrina have bonded.
I had to pause the DVD I was watching and just watch the kitties for awhile. Katrina understands that Harry is a kitten and treatshim like her baby. She needs a pet.
Remy also got into the picture, she layed on the floor and watched. If you notice, she's on her back looking up at them.
She needs a haircut. How do you think she'd look with a mohawk down the back?
Watching TV. They actually stayed that way for awhile, and it wasn't posed. Harry climbed up there and Katrina just let him hang out for a bit. Isn't that too cute??
But the best one is next:
Kitty Kisses. Harry has taken to her, too. This was just too cute to watch.
Harry is going to a good home (I keep telling myself!) I will miss the little bundle of fur attacking my heels, following me around the house and waking me up at all times of the night biting my nose and ears. If I can't find him, I'll just yell 'Kitten' and he'll come running. He's now tipping over all the trash cans and looking longingly at the curtains in my bedroom. He's a climber, for sure, and climbs up the bed, the tablecloth I have on my computer table, my pants leg (and it doesn't seem to bother him too much that I don't have long pants on).
I have learned one thing about kittens: They get kicked. A lot. I've accidentally kicked him several times while he's nipping at my heels. I walked into the bathroom and stepped down to a kitty squeal, I didn't see him. He's gray, it was dark! He was curled up on a pair of shorts in the floor. He smelled like baby powder.
I'm sad to see him go, but I'm happy he's going to a good home. I can't wait to get my next batch. They've already asked me to let them know when I'll be ready for the next litter. This is fun, watching the little ones grow. I got Harry when he was 2 weeks old and could barely walk. Sigh.
So sad for me, but good for all you non-cat lovers out there. (Yes, there are a few!) I will bore you with MORE kitten pictures.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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