Sorry, I don't have a life, and these two are the most exciting thing happening. Betty (Mom) is just a little cuddler! She will jump on the computer desk and rub against my face, then sit on my shoulder or drape herself across my shoulders and stay, just a little. She jumped up my back just a minute ago, just to be cuddled. She is so cute, but she just won't SHUT UP! She has a deep, loud meow/yowl which can be annoying. It could be because she's stuck in this little room and wants to get out or she could be just a yenta. But she's a pretty girl, sitting here in the window.
Harry seems to be taken with my feet. After the excitement of me coming in the room dies down, he'll come over and chew, bite, scratch and play with my feet. Then he'll get comfortable and fall asleep. (Yes, I have big feet, but he's still a little kitten!) If I have on socks, he'll try to climb and sometimes he tries to climb up my leg. His claws are just annoying now, but soon he'll be drawing blood.
He's still nursing, not showing much interest in the food. I sat him down by the water bowl and he drank, but that's not what he looks for when he's thirsty. Maybe sometime this week, I read where someone else has 5-week-old kittens ready for adoption, weaned and all.

Interesting Discovery
In researching the use of the work 'yenta' above, I discovered a Wikipedia entry for 'Yinglish', an Americanized form of Yiddish. Living in South Florida, I picked up some Yinglish, I'm one of the few people who schlep across Atlanta, but I discovered a cool word today: Fershtupt. This means 'recently had sex, pregnant or constipated'. I would never put those words together, but OK, makes sense. This word means different things to different people. Back In The Day, one could be fershtupt with a smile on their face or an air of relaxation or fershtupt and very worried. But now, in the Over 40 era, there's only one meaning to Fershtupt. Life is unfair.
Job Hunt
Still the same old nothing. Tonite is the IIBA meeting and I'll be there networking, schmoozing (another Yinglish word!) and begging.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
Honestly, that little one is just the cutest thing EVER! :)
nice toes....
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