Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What Day is This?

You tend to lose track of time when you don't get out much.

Job Hunt
More phone calls, more waiting for return calls. There doesn't seem to be much happening out there right now. The fiscal year for the state begins on July 1, so most state jobs will be on hold till the funding becomes available. Most private-sector companies aren't really hiring right now. Please prove me wrong, but it may be a LONG HOT summer.

My List of Pressing Things
Today I've got to get my fake nails taken off. Since I'm not working, that's one less thing I have to worry about. I'm also (probably) going to cancel my cable, change my phone service and my internet service. AT&T isn't worth the expense.

Georgia General Assembly
What a good group of guys and gals! The educational levels in Ga suck, we have a water crisis, we have a transportation crisis, and guess what they resolved? We can now concealed weapons into restaurants, on MARTA, and you can keep them in the trunk of your car on your office property. (This will be signed by the Governor who feels that to be able to buy alcohol on Sundays will cause too many deaths, but you can carry your gun to the restaurant. Right!) We are trying to get the border of Ga moved a few miles north so we can take water from Tennessee. Oh, and now it's legal to go to a restaurant, order a bottle of wine and if you don't finish it, you can cork it up and take it home. (I can go to a restaurant, order a bottle of wine, take one drink, cork it up and take it home on SUNDAY, but I can't go to a liquor store or grocery store and buy one. Go figure!) God, I love these 'leaders'. Kick 'em all out of office!

Other Thoughts
Clayton County is a hole. The school board is a bunch of egotistical losers and the sherrif and the police department are fighting each other. These are elected officials, remember? It's amazing what people will do with other peoples money.

For those of you not living in Georgia, Clayton County has been threatened several times by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools that if they don't get there stuff together, the county will lose it's accreditation and the students will find it hard to get into college, among other things. The SACS report singled out 4 board members specifically, but suggested they all resign. Guess what? No one is resigning! One rather outspoken member was kicked off after the police investigated and found he had not lived in Clayton County for over 2 years. He is, of course suing the board for false allegations. You think this maybe why they are being threatened with losing accreditation? These people seem to have their own agendas. Not only is the county school system suffering, but people are moving out of Clayton as fast as they can and property values are plummeting. Neighboring counties are having problems as the state has said it's OK for a Clayton resident to send their kids to schools in neighboring counties. What about their taxes? And it's all because some ego-maniacs won't do what's best for all. After all, they are elected officials.

The fight between the sheriff's department and the police department came to a head last week when the sheriff wouldn't allow police officers to question offenders at the jails. The dispute was over some crime statistics. What?!

To quote Rodney King, 'Why can't we all just get along?'

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rember when they cleaned up Atlanta for the Olympics? they moved many of the homeless/poor/section 8 people to Clayton. And then Katrina happened, and they got more gov't assisted people in Clayton. I feel bad for the people that live down there that aren't living off our gov't. IF they own their houses, they are so screwed right now.