Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Head is Spinning

Tornado's in downtown Atlanta. Whoda thunk it??!

Sometimes on my walk to work, I get off at the CNN/GWCC Marta stop and walk the almost 1 mile to my office at 5Points. I walk down Andrew Young Blvd/Techwood Dr to Luckie St and up to Peachtree and Park Place. It's a lovely walk, I walk past the CNN Center, Centennial Olympic Parl and the Tabernacle, stop and get my coffee, then a few blocks more to my office. Yes, that's almost the path of the tornado. My office is located 1 block from the Equitible building and Georgia Pacific, where all the windows got blown out. What a mess. But it doesn't bother me. Read on..

Another Tornado
Well, I got caught in the vortex of another tornado. On Saturday morning, mom and dad called to find out if I gotten blown away. Then at about 9:30, my contracting firm called to let me know the 'bad news'. And I quote 'I've got some bad news. You're last day was Friday'. I told her it sucks to get fired on Saturday. I'm still pretty livid at these people. She now wants me to drive to Alpharetta to drop off my badge and pick up my stuff. I sent her an email telling her I'd make my own arrangements and drop off my badge because now that I'm unemployed, driving to Alpharetta is NOT in my budget. What a bunch of nasty people. They didn't tell me sooner because they wanted to be sure to be able to bill for a full day. Greedy SOB's...

So after spending the weekend in a miasma of self-pity and depression (my mood matched the weather!) I'm doing better. I've sent out 7 resumes, 4 to contractors who have openings. I got these names from co-workers, I've made phone calls, and actually talked to people. It's amazing what will happen when you say you were recommended by one of their clients. This time around should be easier than the first time, I have 'connections' now.

Political Stuff
Thanks to Baby Niece and JC for their comments, and congratulations on your new house! Baby Niece, I don't know where you've gained your knowledge and insight, but your comments are appreciated. And JC, I do lean towards libertarian ideas, I consider myself a socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I think drugs and prostitutiomn should be legalized, but taxed. Is that government interference? The dilemma comes when talking about smoking bans in public places, Sunday Blue laws, wearing helmets while riding motorcycles, and for that matter, wearing seat belts. All these 'laws' are examples of Government interference, but in most cases (excluding Blue Laws) are for the public good. But I don't smoke, ride a motorcycle or drive without a seat belt.

Sunday Blue Laws are only a problem in Georgia and 2 other states. This being the Bible belt, we can't buy beer, wine or liquor on Sundays. Our illustrious Governor, Sonny Purdue, is an evangelical Christian from Middle Georgia who doesn't drink, and won't even entertain the idea of the people voting for repeal of the Blue laws. (There's talk of him being chosen as Vice President, be afraid, be Very Afraid!) The Christians always bring out studies done on states that repealed the Blue laws and how the drunk driving accidents and fatalities went up afterwards, and it's a matter of public safety. But why block sales on Sunday? Why not Wednesday?
Because Sunday is the Lord's day.
So don't tell me these laws aren't religiously based. Now if the Muslims wanted a day where all women would wear burkahs, the Christian right would scream the loudest about Separation of Church and State.
So Sonny, at least let the People choose whether to buy alcohol on Sundays. You remember the People, the ones who voted you into office???

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

Bummer about the job. I can't believe they called you & told you after the fact that your last day was Friday. Hopefully the next one will come along soon. And - maybe Mr. I'm Not A Co-worker Any More might get off his butt & ask you out.

Anonymous said...

FYI...if they are requiring you to drive up there, they should pay for time and mileage...

Anonymous said...

ok, so, were you being funny saying that my comments about my husband were insightful or were you being sincere about my previous story on how I hunted him down in the first place? Either way, I am way wiser than my years. Well I like to pretend so, anyway. I am sorry about your job, but it wasn't the right fit for you in the first place, you even said so. Now you have recent experience so I think things will be good for you.
DOn't wallow in self pity too long, it tends to pack weight on the butt, I know because I gained most of my weight right after I got out of the CG and didn't have a job for 6 months. Besides, wallowing causes grey hair and wrinkles. Who wants them?
Kisses, I love you!
Baby Neice

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the job. Hopefully it just created an opportunity for you to move on to something better. As far as the political stuff goes, I hope you are libertarian. We need more people thinking that way. I absolutely agree with you about the legalization of prostitution and drugs but, in this country, that will never happen. I also agree that the Christian right is scary too. They often want to create laws to regulate morality, which I am against. I do however think that some people take the separation of church and state too far (e.g. firefighters were forced to take down their Christmas tree because some atheist civilian was offended by it). My earlier comments were to try to get you to realize that Obama and Clinton are anything but libertarian. They want more government, more spending, and more taxes. McCain may not be the greatest, but I believe he is the only one who really can bring both sides together to actually solve some of our nation's problems. Neither of the democratic candidates has any record of reaching across the aisle to work with the republicans. Once again, just hoping to get you to think about it. JC By the way, baby niece is right, I do enjoy politics. I know, I need help.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am WAY behind on your blog (but trying to catch up!). I'm really sorry about the job thing - and, yes, they're complete asses. When I lost my job last summer (I was going to Alpharetta too!), it was sort of the same deal. They called me while I was on vacation to tell me I'd been laid off. What th--?

In the meantime, I had their laptop, cellphone, etc.. no way in hell was I driving that route to give them their shit back. I told them I wouldn't even get reimbursed; send UPS call tags and get the crap yourself. Unbelievable.

Hang in there, lady! Sounds like you have some good opportunities working out there with the head hunters. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!