Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gather No Moss!

Keep your fingers crossed! One of my coworkers gave me a reference to a contract company with several openings. I talked to him yesterday, and I've got an interview today! Yea! Don't know anything about the job, but it's at least something.

Why Do We Care?
So now that the governor has been disgraced, his replacement has come clean on extra-marital affairs. Why do we care? Are we such a puritanical society that our politicians can't be human? Since when did cheating on your spouse become a measure in how well you do your job? Here in Atlanta, there is a case against a former preacher, Earl Paulk. Seems he had sex with several women in the church (all for the Good of God), fathered a child by his brothers' wife, and when asked if he'd had relations with anyone other than his wife and the lawsuit originator, said 'No'. When they found out his nephew was his son, he got hauled into court for perjury. This, I believe is different, he is a Man of God and f*cked up, big time. I really don't care who he diddled, God will make sure he gets his, but this man's JOB is to be chaste and moral. A politician isn't supposed to be moral, we can only hope he/she is. Again, sex is a victimless crime, it's not a matter of National Security, so why is it an issue?

Working Out
I went to the gym last night and did some weights. I'm regretting that decision today. I did some lower back exercises, and evidently I had the weights too high, and my Sciatica is acting up. This is actually a self-diagnosis, but it works for me. Just take some Aleve and don't do that again.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

You are right on the money about Earl Paulk. He is an evil man. I am a former member of his church (14 years) and I know for a fact the women, ALL of them, are telling the truth. Did you see the recent ruling in Dekalb Co. where a judge ruled in the Paulk's favor and granted them lawyer's fees on what he called a 'frivolous' lawsuit? It was one of the suits where Paulk coerced a woman for sex. Paulk has long had political ties in Dekalb so I believe it impossible for there to be a fair trial where his 'cathedral' is located. At any rate, thank you for keeping the story alive. We former members are working daily to warn people away from Paulk's fake church and to stay away from this dangerous man.

Anonymous said...

The ex-governor needed to leave his job because he put himself before people as a moral and upstanding person. He targeted the same people he was associating with. Turns out he wasn't so law abiding and upstanding after all. Being a politician doesn't excuse anything nor should we become complacent and just say that type of behavior is expected.

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