I'm trying to procrastinate...today is house work day and I hate it....
Some Replies:
To Anonymous who disses my spelling....as a matter of fact I did take a plate of sand as a desert to my party. It's one thing to misspell on one's blog (which does happen, but not all that often!) and misspelling on a dating site, when trying to make an impression on someone. I know you're aware of a local Atlanta singles group who's leader doesn't know how to use spell check and every one of her newsletters has a major spelling or grammatical error, which doesn't give a good impression of that group. (At least to me, and you all know I'm a snob.) I'm also aware of several English Majors who could be reading this site (Hi 'ME'!) so I try to be careful.
As to the Other Anonymous who chastises me for getting my news in one place, (see the comment on Dec 12) if you had taken the time to read the link I was commenting on, it came from the Huffington Report, and the quotes about Rush and Robertson were not complimentary. If you also read the other links on that very same day, one of the news articles I linked to about Universal health care was from American Thinker, a decidely conservative site. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you'd realize I do get my news from many sources, but I admit I tend not to quote anything from conservative sites. I read, sometimes research, and form MY OWN opinion, not just repeat things I've heard.
I believe you must work on your comprehension issues, you seem to pick out key words and stop reading. I'm not exactly sure what you're saying to me. Are you saying that Rush is someone who reports on facts? And his facts are correct? I've listened to Rush and I find he's a bag of hot air. As for facts, Rush is an Entertainer, not a journalist and certainly not a news source. What we are listening to is his OPINION, not facts.
Unlike some folks I know, I don't quote journalists or entertainers as the Ultimate Authority on any subject. I also don't believe that one side of the political scene uses only facts while the other side doesn't. Everyone has an agenda and will report the 'news' in that manner. For example, the Republicans need to protect their Fearless Leader, so any thing they can use to discredit the Dems they will. Same for the Dems, they will try to make our Fearless Leader look as bad as they can. So who can you belive? (Not Bill O'Reilly!)
When I make a comment on a book or a movie, I will say that I haven't seen the movie or read the book, I will also admit when I'm wrong. (See above about the spelling. Although I think that Anonymous has her own issues.. :-0 Love ya!) But how can I be wrong in forming my OWN OPINIONS?? Just because you don't support our President doesn't mean that you're unpatriotic or unAmerican (remember the GOP issues with Bill Clinton?? Were Newt and Bob Barr UnAmerican because of their opposition to the sitting president? They started the anti-Clinton stuff before Lewinsky-gate, BTW. Heck, they started that crap the minute the man took the Oath of Office.) It is part of the American form of government to be able to express your opinion about the government and president, good or bad. And it is healthy to have opposition, it keeps both parties on their toes, theoretically. By The Way, when was the last time you watched a Michael Moore movie?
And while on the subject of Proper English (?), I also use quotation marks (") to indicate someone else's ideas, especially when I've cut and pasted the information from another page. Anything less is plagiarism.
OK, Now
So now I've wasted all this time talking about other people, let me talk about myself. I went to a play on Friday 'Queer Carol' . Pretty cool take on things, it took place in modern times and the Ghost of Christmas Past was Marily Monroe. The subject matter was definately dark, dealing with AIDS, homophobia, and health insurance. My gay friends enjoyed it very much, it made me a bit uncomfortable because it portrayed people with AIDS and their issues, people not being accepted by their parents because of who they are. I've heard of all this, but never personally experienced it. Makes you think.
And while we're thinking, another gay friend made a very valid, though disturbing point. He's a single guy in his mid-50's. He has a much tougher time dating than I do because a large percentage of gay men in their 50's have died of AIDS. Something to think about.
To the Other Anonymous, just because I said all that doesn't mean I hate straight men. I do like straight men, I only date straight men, but I'm also open to people just As They Are and to different ideas.
Last night I went to the Office Christmas Party. My boss invited the department and spouses and kids to come over for a gift exchange. It was great, another chance to sample excellent Indian cuisine. I got the Best Gift, a tool kit with a battery operated drill and wrachet set. I was the envy of all the guys.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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Ok hot head, I read that message left by other anonymous and I don't think they said anything about being scared of gays. Where the heck did you get that? Also I think that dooming people because they listen to an entertainer who happens to think the same way they do, is not a crime. I do not like O' Riley myself, and I think he is a HUGE jackass but I respect that he has opinions and he HAS done a lot to put child molesters in jail.
As for Michael Moore, are you freaking NUTS???? YOu think his is the truth? He twists the truth to fit his own needs to make money. He might have a small glimmer of truth, but then it is all lost.
All that being said, I love you very much and I look forward to seeing you at Granny's at Christmas.
Love, Baby Niece
First off, I was not accusing you of anything; just trying to make you think. And just because Rush is an entertainer, does this invalidate his views? As far as Michael Moore is concerned, no I have not seen his movies. I would not pay that *&&^* anything to hear his opinion. But I have seen him in interviews and have seen clips of his movies; enough to know that he is extremely one-sided on every issue and is not presenting the truth but propaganda. I do watch to Kieth Olberman (until I get sick to my stomach). He is worse than Michael Moore but at least I don't have to pay to listen to his BS. And you are right that both sides provide lots of misinformation and propaganda. But the misinformation from the left is more hateful and vile that that from the right. Groups like media matters and moveon.org are in the business of smearing the truth and trying to ruin peoples lives. As far as my own views, I am neither liberal or conservative. I am a libertarian.
hey all you anonymous writers, (not you baby niece, you signed within the comment) you should admit who you are, be proud of your opinions. You don't have to log in to post your name. Just click on nickname & type in your name.
Nancy - I hope you like straight men, 'cuz if you don't, you might as well just switch to the other side. (you do live in Dick Hater)
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