My how time flies when you're having fun! After last week with temperatures in the mid- to upper-70's, this 32 degrees is COLD!! I finally get to wear the new flannel gown I bought myself for Christmas. Thought about flannel sheets, but with a flannel gown and flannel sheets, I won't be able to get out of bed, I'll be stuck to the sheets.
OK, So My Buttons Were Pushed
To Anonymous #1 (baby niece) and anyone else interested, no, I don't think Michael Moore is an authority on anything but making movies. I've seen 2 of his movies ('Bowling for Columbine' and 'Fahrenheit 911') and both of them brought up points that made me think. I didn't finish watching '911' as I got tired of the Bush bashing. We can finish this conversation on Saturday over Christmas Dinner. Er, no I guess we can't, we'll have the Neo-Nazi Racist Skinhead Pig to deal with, and I'd rather not go there.
The Other Anonymous has me pegged all wrong. I lean towards the Libertarian point of view myself. Get the government out of my life and let me make my own choices.
Being an entertainer does not invalidate Rush's views, but some people will get their news only from Rush (or Bill O'Reilley or Bill Mahr). I feel I am an informed person, I read the newspaper daily and I watch the news. I form my own opinions, not those of certain journalists. MoveOn.Org is a fundraiser for the left, not a news source. They put money into action, good or bad. I'm not familiar with the Media Matters, so I have no opinion.
As to your opinion that the left is more hateful than the right, what is your definition of 'hateful'? I find Rush and Bill and some of the columnists on American Thinker and quite hateful. To call people on the opposition names ('Hitlery', 'FemiNazi's' , for example) I feel is hateful, not to mention childish. It is also hateful to call people who oppose your opinions un-patriotic or Un-American. To throw in the religious element and use guilt on that level is hatred. (I've heard many GOP members say 'If Jesus were alive today, he'd be a Republican'.) Of course, the Dems are now making sure everyone knows when and how often they go to church, just like the GOP, but I've not heard any Dem or 'liberal' writer call conservatives any names. And if so, I'd love to read the article, I'm certainly not saying they are above name calling.
As for the ‘'misinformation' on the left, both sides spin the same topic however they want. And how to you conculde that the left is trying to ruin peoples lives? The current administration, along with the GOP running the house and Senate have all attempted to legislate laws interfering with medical procedures (remember Terry Shiavo? Remember passing medical standards about partial birth abortions? ) They are currently spending trillions of dollars (my money and that of future generations) trying to change the culture and form of government of a country that isn’t ready for and doesn’t necessarily want the changes.
Off My Soapbox
I admit anonymous has pushed the right buttons, and he/she has every right to. Rush has every right to be his bellicose self, just as Howard Stern has every right to broadcast. I choose not to listen to it, I do NOT say ‘take them off the air’. I don’t go to strip joints (OK, so I went once. I am trying to be open-minded and informed) but I don’t advocate closing them down. I also think we should legalize drugs and tax the hell out of them. Think of all we could do with the money, maybe even pay down some of the National Debt that the Party of Less Government has amassed.
OK, I’m done.
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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I think spelling and the use of names on blog comments are overated....
I personally love to hide behind the anonymous moniker.
I disagree about spelling being overrated. I don't think bad spelling is a good reflection on the writer regardless of the forum.
First, I commented anonymously because you know me and I wanted to see your response not tainted by knowing who I am. Second, the left is more hateful. For example, at the kos website, comments were made that they were happy that Tony Snow got cancer; he deserved it for being Bush's front man. If that's not hateful, I don't know what is. I haven't heard Hitlery, but feminazi was a term introduced as a joke, as a parody. Rush stated that some of the more militant feminist tactics reminded him of tactics used by stormtroopers and Goebels. I agree that there is a lot of stupid bullshit being dished out by both sides.
My intent was not to accuse you of anything or to chastise you, just to make you think. A while back, Rush made comments about a soldier who stated that while he served in as a Ranger in Iraq, he personnaly observed numerous attrocities. It turns out the guy was never in Iraq and only served for 40 days in the Army before being kicked out. Rush called him a phony soldier. I heard this program. That night this became Rush calling all soldiers who disagree with Iraq as phony soldiers. Rush said no such thing. Then within days, Harry Reid and the democratic leadership in the Senate composed a letter asking Rush's employer to censure him. All based on misinformation from what someone heard about what someone said. You had made comments about what Rush said but based it on what you read on the Huffington Post. This was hearsay and there is a reason this in not admissable in court. I was trying to get a discussion started. Obviously it worked.
By the way this is your baby niece's husband. See you on Saturday.
Ah! Baby Niece's husband, JC himself! I appologize humbly, I assumed (and we all know what ASSumptions do!) you were someone I know who is a hateful, intolerant, self-righteous hypocrite. It would be cool to continue on Saturday, I really do like exchanging ideas, but for the Neo-Nazi Racist Skinhead Pig.
Love ya!
Why can't we all just get along?
- Rodney King
Just because someone is there, it dosen't mean we must include them. We are family. If we can't be rude to each other, who can we be rude to?
I have only one rule for continuing this and other converations, no one gets to take it personally, no matter how much wine and/or rum is drunk.
We tend to run a little hot after imbibing.
Baby Neice
Bush bashing is tiresome. So many mistakes, so little time. Regardless of your political stance W. is a complete fool. I will pray to my God that he is justly dealt with... in hell. Good luck W. Your God has something in store for you.
I'd write my name but no one knows me and I not sure this would get back to W and I would be audited by the IRS. Or worse.
Unpatriotic and lovin' it.
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