Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is It Really December??

For those of you in Cold Northern States, just wanted to rub it in that's it's been in the upper 70's these past few days and looks to be as warm all week. So when you're outside shoveling the snow or scraping the ice, think if me sitting on my porch. But we all know Payback is Hell and it's supposed to get into the 40's for a high on Sunday. Enjoy while it lasts!

Michael Vick, for the last time
Well, he got sentenced yesterday to almost 2 years in prison for animal abuse. Last night on Monday Night Football, 2 of the Falcons expressed their dissatisfaction with the Michael Vick issue by wearing t-shirts (I didn't see this, I heard about it on the news) and were fined for it. I just don't get what the problem is, he's guilty, he's admitted to being guilty, he lied to the team owner, the judge AND he tested postive for smoking dope. OK, so they may be using him as an example, but he didn't seem to mind to much to be an example with 1 carat diamond earrings and expensive suits... He should be locked up for being stupid.

Baggy Pants and Public Schools
Atlanta Public Schools passed an ordinance last night (effective immediately) that baggy pants are not allowed. This has alot of intelligent people questioning lots of stuff. It's not the public Schools place to set a dress code, but someone has to set standards for these kids, the parents don't seem to be able to. Some people, such as the ACLU say this is targeting black kids, which could be, expcept the white kids seem to be doing it too. If it's targeting anyone, it would be young people. The argument that baggy pants hide weapons seems to have some merit, in my opinion. There are too many guns in the hands of children today, but that's another arugument. I just wish we'd stop with this Black vs. White thing and get on with the Reality of life.

PodCasts and What??
Since I've gotten my MP3 Player, I've become an Educated Fool. I've discovered a website that offers free lectures on podcasts and I've been listening to History lectures and I'm now into Computer Science, specifically the History of Operating Systems. I'm loving it! I find it very interesting, the lecturer is good, the subject matter is interesting, and I've actually learned some stuff. This is an actual CS course at UC-Berkley so there was/is lots of online work (labs, questions, more information, etc) that I don't get on the subway, but I'm still learning stuff. I guess when I get to the Chemistry stuff I'll be doing more sleeping...

A Little Plug
Check out the new link: Christine Casey's Avon Site. She's my niece, so give her some business for All your Avon Needs!

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a thought from someone who has been on the front lines, IT IS THE SCHOOL'S PLACE TO SET A DRESS CODE. When I was in school, in the dark ages, we had a dress code, archaic but it worked. I have seen kids who couldn't walk down the hall because their pants had a crotch below their knees. I could tell you what color under all the guys (and most of the girls) had on. Boxers were the choice of the baggy set. I got tired of seeing underware and prayed that the guys didn't sneeze. It would all be over. The parents don't know or don't care. They let the girls go out with their boobs hanging out of their too small tops and their thongs hanging out of their too tight pants. The guys on the other hand, wear everything three or more sizes too big.

I believe the schools have to impose some rules. It is their purpose to prepare the students for life. Most businesses don't want employees who don't know how to dress or behave(that is another issue) OK , I'll get off my soap box.