Thursday, November 08, 2007

Where did this Cold Weather come from?

Gosh, it's gotten colder lately. I had frost on my car this morning. Gross. But it's going to get up to 60 degrees today, too hot for the heavy coat you needed this morning. What to do? I choose to be rather chilly this morning and comfortable this afternoon and wore a lightweight sweater. Yes, it was cold, but I'm not really outside that much.

Dreaming of Fish
My officemate told me that if you dream of fish, someone is pregnant. What? I've not heard that one, but she had a dream about fish right before she learned she was pregnant. She told me she had a dream recently about she and I, we ended up on a pier, watching the sunrise. We were laughing about that as the sea has fish in it, doesn't it? She didn't know whoelse in her family could be pregnant, so the responsibility was on me, as I was in the dream. Let me say this, straight up. It's NOT me. That ship has sailed and sunk. The only other time there was a birth not involving a male, they made him king of something and I think you know the rest of the story. So the only one I could figure was my neice. I called my sister last night to see if the premonition is true. (Yes, Gretchen, that would be you, you're the only one in the family with Viable Ovaries!) What my sister told me is that they will start trying after the Holidays. OK, so this dream wasn't really about fish, per-say, but it was about watching the ocean and the sunrise and the possibilities. So, Gretchen and Jim, it Could Happen!

Parental Units
My parents are doing much better, Daddy is getting around better and more than he did before, but he's depressed. Since their cat passed, Daddy (and I would guess Mom, but she won't own up to it) misses her. She sat on his lap and let him brush her. I'm taking all this on their word, everytime I saw her she was not a Very Nice Kitty, rather stand-off-ish and somewhat bitchy. Nonetheless, they loved her and miss her. My sister and I have talked about getting them another kitty, they need the companionship, but they won't do it. No, it's too hard to lose a pet, they say. I say, yes, it is hard to lose a pet, but think of the pleasure and laughter a cat brings to you when they are here. They need a kitty about 2-3 years old, with no health problems, they are too old to take care of an ailing cat, and a kitten is too much work. So I will be working on a way to Get them another cat, weather they like it or not!

Indian Experience
Yesterday's luncheon was excellent! The Indian cuisine was great. We need labels on the food so we Anglo's know what the dish is called, and maybe an exchange of recipes. I can't name all the food, but I can tell you there was a lot of rice and peas, potatos and nuts. One dish was yellow rice with cashews and peanuts, delicious! (I'm sure there was more to it, but that's what I could figure out.) Not as much curry as I imagined or tasted. There was some chicken, but for the most part it was vegetarian. I'll look forward to celebrating more Indian holidays with them!

Is it time to go home yet?? Just asking.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

arent you supposed to be working??