Monday, November 05, 2007

Well Deserved Extra Hour of Sleep

Boy, that extra hour was great yesterday! Actually, I looked at the clock when I got up and it was 7am (old time), so I guess I really didn't get an extra hour...

Just want to say hi to all the Lurkers. You know who you are, you just read the blog but leave no comments. Seems I have a few of those. Thanks for reading!

Joyce Meyer
I have never gone to a conference like this one, especially a religious conference. It was a wonderful experience. So many people, so enthusiastic, happy, content. The last time I was at the Gwinnett Arena was to see Velvet Underground at the 99X Jingle Jam about 2 years ago. The band got everyone on their feet! The band, Hillsong London is great! I even bought one of their CD's.

What a great way to spend two days! Very uplifting. On Friday I was running late (MARTA was running late) so we got there late and missed the first few minutes of the band. Leaving any arena is always a pain as the traffic moves very slowly and you seem to be sitting for EVER. I just happened to notice a bottle of wine left in my car from a party last week, so we opened the bottle and drank some wine as we were waiting to leave. So I was filled with the Spirit in several ways...

Saturday I met my friend at Piedmont Park for the Heart Walk. We had a blast! It was a 5K walk, and we gabbed the whole time. Lovely day for a walk, and I guess the view was nice, we were running our mouths...

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

don't be calling me a lurker.....

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday, di di, did you have a good weekend? I was in class all weekend and missed all the beautiful weather....
don't forget to ask lisa about the tickets... :)

NancyT said...

Geez, again hijacking my blog! I think I'd rather have Lurkers, atleast they're quiet...;-)

Want some Ga State Golf club covers? They're 75% off in the bookstore. They're known as the Panthers, pretty blue cats....

Anonymous said...

Lurking, schmurking... what are blogs for, but for lurking? :-)

Unknown said...

Actually, I meant to thank you for turning me on to Huffington Press. Really enjoyed lurking on their site too.

Anonymous said...

Lurkers UNITE.

I am a lurker. Isn't that the first step to recovery?