Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lurking and Other Good Things

Seems there's a lot of lurkers out there! And some who hijack the blog for their Own Personal Use. (I know who you are and where you live!) Keep lurking, and comment once in a while, just to keep me on my toes!

I've run across some cool links but haven't had the time to post them. Most of the blogs I've got listed are rather dead blogs, so I'll have to start again. For starters, my sister sent me
this the other day and it's just hysterical! The whole blog is great! Check out some links on Tea and Crumpets, there's some conservative, moderate and liberal links which make for some good reading.

New Horizons
The State Government has a Charties group that sponsers fund-raisers for any number of organizations and today is their Silent Auction. In my largesse I donated a necklace/bracelet/earring set, and so far everyone loves it. I've left a pile of business cards for the jewelry making stuff over there, and they even gave me recognition on the email! Here is a picture:

Huummm, or maybe not.. Take my word for it, they're very pretty.

I'm going to dinner at a friends' house on Sunday to plan for getting a table at the Atlantic Station craft show, sometime before Christmas. I'll pass on the information as soon as I get it.

I also ran across an ad for a local beading store, which I've been meaning to find, for sale. The woman who owns it wants to retire. I need to look her up because her asking price is very low, but if her inventory is included, it would almost be a steal. So maybe I will become a retail store owner. Gotta think on that one.

News and Views
What about all this violence in the Middle East. Look at a map and you will find that Iran and Iraq are bordered on either side by Turkey or Pakistan. Unfortunately we'll get caught in the middle. If it weren't for the oil, we wouldn't be there, so let them blow themselves up.

The writers in Hollywood are striking for more money relating to DVD and internet sales. I think they should be striking for more jobs in Hollywood. I read a few years ago that these 'reality' shows are a Godsend for the networks as they don't need any writers. I hope the reality craze goes away, I'm tired of hearing about all these stupid shows.

I watched Nancy Grace on Sunday, all about missing and abused children. That woman is annoying. I guess now that she's a Mommy, it's all about the kids. Hopefully the birth of her kids will make her a mellower person. That show is dumb, too many commercial breaks, not enought exchange of ideas, and who are these people she brings on as 'experts'? The coroner in Broward County, Fl is now one of her experts guests. What did he do? He just handled the Anna Nicole case. I'm sure he's good at what he does, but please.. She interrupts opposing views, cuts them off and goes to commercial, just like all the 'conservative journalism'. Who wants to watch that kind of confrontation? Too much stress in the world anyway.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

What is worse, a lurker or a hijacker?? You can't be sure where I live. There could be more than one anonymous.......

Anonymous said...

Cool Clock......:)