Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Did the Prayer Meetin' Work???

Another reason to be proud to be from Georgia
Our illustrious leader, Sonny Perdue, held a prayer meetin' (vigil, as some people proclaim) to pray for rain. How high-tech,... cutting edge, ...politically correct, ...useful. Sonny has been governor since 2003. According to sources at the University of Georgia, Ga experienced a 3 or more year drought that ended in 2002. We have been aware of this happening, but what has been done about it? Let's see, we can always issue more building permits! This is a problem with governments, any impending disaster will not be addressed until too late and then too little will be done to fix it. Politicians don't want to address 'bad' things in election years (or any other year for that matter!) and the lobbists are only worried about what can bring them the biggest buck, and noone listens to the constituents. That's why I find all this Global Warming stuff amazing. Whether it's happening or not, the environment is hurting. Air pollution, and any type of global changes are happening and need to be fixed. We haven't gotten to the crisis stage yet, so why address it now? <= (that comment was sarcastic.) For those of us old enough, remember the Oil Crisis of the early 1970's? Remember all the talk about finding other energy sources, gas guzzling cars and OPEC? What actually became of all that? We did get the auto makers to make more effecient cars, but we still depend on oil and OPEC for our energy costs.

New Term
I was watching TV last night, and they used a term I'd heard before, but never really applied. 'Philistine'. Read the section on other uses for the term. What a cool word.
Read another definition. Try this: 'Are you a Philistine?' Do you know a philistine? Can you use the word in a sentence? 'Bill O'Reilly is a philistine, Rush Limbaugh is a jerk.'

I'm famous here at work. I made such a hit with the jewelry that I donated, yesterday we had our Birthday Luncheon and I made my Famous Deviled Eggs with Wasabi. I was such a hit! I had to bring them to work on the subway, and unless you have an egg plate (with the little indentations for each egg) they tend to slide around. I had somewhat scrambled Deviled Eggs and wouldn't have gotten any awards for Presentation. But they sure tasted good!

More to come...

As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please tell me you didn't use grey water