Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Some New Ideas

Just to keep everyone up with my 'busy' life:

Job Hunt
SSDD. Recruiters want and need you to call ASAP, then you never hear from them again until they have another 'hot' possibility. And they never return your calls.

I did get a webpage with TONS of legit work from home opportunities. Thanks Didi, that list will keep me busy for a long time. I just hope something solid comes from it.

I attended my first ever Toastmasters meeting on Saturday. I think I'm going to like it. I've got to try other meetings (they suggested I do that) and see which one will help me the most. This group does some social activities during the week, which appeals to me. We all need to expand our group of friends.

Old Friends
I got some phone calls yesterday from friends I haven't heard from in ages! Didi called and we talked for awhile. She's encouraging me in my effort, she's been there, done that. I also got a call from a Hasher friend I haven't talked to in ages. That was nice of her to call.

Polly, (Little sister) emailed me yesterday that she had to put Lucky, her best kitty, down on Sunday night. He was such a good guy, a lovely tabby with eyeliner and an Elvis sneer. A beautiful guy, he blended in with her dark green furniture. He had coloring like he has eyeliner, so he always looked 'dressed-up'! Somehow in the last few years, his upper lip would get hung up on his tooth and he looked like he was sneering. So cute. We'll miss him. She got him when he was a kitten, and trust me, he's led a Good Life.

Foster Family
Mom and son are doing fine! The little guy is squealing more, he's looking around more, and he tries to walk and is doing a great job, but has a bit of trouble coordinating all 4 legs to go in the same direction! He still fits in my hand, but he's getting a bit longer and fatter. He's purring sometimes, and he's started licking his feet, so the cleaning is starting.

Mom has a voice and loves to talk, almost to the point of being annoying. She's still nursing, so she's not in heat, yet. I think she's bored with just feeding junior and wants more to do. She knows there are other kitties on the other side of the door, and wants to explore. Saturday night, around 12:30am, my kitties and Mama started fighting under the door, so I had to put a towel there to keep them from 'playing' . Have you ever heard cats fighting? Scared the heck out of me.

I will put the 2 of them down on the floor and just watch. Mom attempts to 'attack' junior, playing a bit rough with him, but Mama Knows Best. Junior doesn't seem to mind, he squeals sometimes, and tries to wobble away, but mom just grabs him and cleans him some more.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

He looked like Elvis because he chipped his front tooth and the vet was not able to put on a porcelain crown, only a metal one. I did not want him walking around looking like he had a grill, so we decided to pull the tooth. The missing tooth caused his upper lip to get stuck on his bottom tooth, hence the Elvis look. Poor Lucky RIP :(

Unknown said...

Try www.ets.org and look for the links for "Scoring Opportunities" -- I have been working for them from home since 2002. Very legit. Pay isn't great at first, but if you establish a reputation as a good, sensible scorer, there are more opportunities at higher pay.