Thursday, May 01, 2008

So What's Different?

This week is just as 'action-packed' and full of job offers as last week (sarcasm doesn't come across at all on a blog!), so why am I in a better mood? Could be the weather, no rain, could be I've been going to the gym or walking (so far everyday!) or could be I've started my on-line class. Or it could be the handfull of fluff and his mom that keep me busy. I promise, I'm looking for my camera!

Job Hunt
SSDD. Several opportunities, no response. Alas.

Kitty Watch
Betty and Harry are doing just fine. Mama is warming up to me, she's trying to tell me something, but I haven't figured out what it is just yet. I think she's starved for attention, feeding and sleeping with Harry is a bit boring. The nursery is in my 'office' (the room where I have my computer), so I spend a lot of time in here. I noticed she was sitting under my chair when I left last night to fix dinner. She's now looking out of the window, intent on a squirrel.

Harry is getting stronger, he's still stumbling around but he does take a few steps. He tries to climb out of his box, but just can't quite make it. I tried to cut his tiny little claws, but I couldn't seem them very well, so I had to quit. This moring when I tried to give him his medicine (he and mom had the sniffles when they got here) he's fighting me or squirming a bit more.

So What Else?
I've got to get in touch with my insurance company about COBRA benefits. I don't recall seeing anything about that, and it wouldn't suprise me if my old company is trying to get out of paying. I'll figure it out.

Car insurance is due in a few weeks. I'll figure that one out, too.

Kroger offers a 10% rebate on gift cards of $300, so I'm thinking (while I've still got money) to get a card and save it until I don't have money. Hhuummm...

I signed up to be a Virtual Assistant. It's a company I heard about while watching The M&J Show on Fox at 9am. I learned that I need to go to the library and take some of those tutorials on Word and Excel. I know enough to type a letter and set up a spreadsheet, but I need to become a 'power user'. Hey, it's money, and it's something to do! It means I could do some temping, to.

I'm cancelling Direct TV. I don't really need it, and I'm still pissed at them for drilling the hole in my floor last year when they installed it. If I decide I miss it, I'll get Comcast. Maybe I'll start reading more.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

I heard Kroger is adding 10% if you cash your economic stimulus check there and buy a gift card on the news last night.

NancyT said...

Oh! Isn't that a good way to be sure your company gets a cut of the action?! Brilliant move!

Anonymous said...

I might do it - I know I'll spend the money on groceries eventually.
And Sears is supposedly doing it too. I'm sure there is a list out there on the internet somewhere.