My friend Terry from Arkansas calls every month or so. He's a career coach (as well as a friend) and that's one point of networking that I'm trying to work on, just calling contacts or emailing them monthly or quarterly, just to keep the contact active. Anyway, Terry and I met close to 10 years ago (probably more at this point in time) at a friends wedding. I had worked with this girl, Linda, at MCI and she came to visit me in Florida several times. Terry and I and a few others were at the 'singles' table, you know, usually the loud and obnoxious one at a wedding. Terry and I had a blast and went to dinner or lunch before I went back to Fla, and never heard from him again.
When I got to Atlanta and got fully automated (got online) , I got an email from Terry. I had completely forgotten about him, and couldn't even remember who he was, but he said in the email we had met at Linda's wedding. Thus began a friendship. He's sinced moved from Rockville, Md to Jonesboro, AK due to health issues, but we keep in touch. So here's how he cheered me up yesterday:

The picture maybe a bit dark, but it's about 3 dozen roses. Yellow, orange and pink, bright spring colors, with a card that says 'I believe in you. Always have, always will.' That would make anyone's day. We talked last night, he was having a bad day too. But this made it better for both of us. There's nothing romantic, it's just nice to know that someone else cares.
Kitty Pictures
Harry came home on Tuesday without his mom. She's getting 'fixed' and will recover at her new forever home. Harry will stay with me until he's 2 lbs and will get fixed and he, too will go to his forever home, along with Mom! How exciting. It's sad to not have Betty here, but she's going someplace where she will be taken care of and loved, so it's all good. I've got custody of Harry now, and I've learned alot about me. I've learned how terribly nurturing I am. Arrgghhh!
After going to the doctor and getting shots and traveling in the car and all, he was just tired.
Poor little guy. It was so sad to see him in the middle of the room, meowing rather urgently and looking at me! I put a baby gate in the doorway so I could keep the door open and keep the kitty in the room. He's eating and playing! We are still having litterbox issues, but hopefully they will resolve themselves. Who knew I'd ever have to deal with potty training?? He's also gotten quite vocal since Mom's gone. His little meow is still just a squeak, but he learned from a good teacher and should be yowling shortly!
Must be nice to be a kitten. Everything they do is cute. He can sh*t on the floor and it's cute! He finds a great time doing anything. He'll fuss with my feet, nipping, scratching, batting, just having a great time. So easily entertained! He's sleeping right now on my foot.
My kitties aren't too sure what's going on here, Katrina will hiss at him, but I think she's actually scared of him. I don't think she's ever had kittens, so all this in new to her. Remy, on the other hand, has been a Mom, and could care less. (Reminds me of my mom, not too nurturing...) She's hissed at him, but she stays on the front porch. That's why there aren't many pictures of her, she just Doesn't Care and stays away.
This is a picture of Katrina, just dying to get into the room, but scared to do so. She's seen Harry, hissed at him, but you know what they say about curiosity and the cat. Here she is looking over the baby gate, wonder how to get in the room but also have an escape route.

She has gotten in, looked around, growled a bit, looked out the window and left. you know what they say about curiosity and the cat? Of course, she found the food and has helped herself to that, but isn't too sure what to make of the little tyke. Harry, meanwhile, just wants to play. He jumped/stumbled/lunged/tripped in her direction, she hissed, but he started back at her. She hissed again and left.
She has gotten in, looked around, growled a bit, looked out the window and left. you know what they say about curiosity and the cat? Of course, she found the food and has helped herself to that, but isn't too sure what to make of the little tyke. Harry, meanwhile, just wants to play. He jumped/stumbled/lunged/tripped in her direction, she hissed, but he started back at her. She hissed again and left.
I'm very proud of the baby gate idea. I can't afford to let Harry wander around, he's SO little he could easily get lost in this baby-unfriendly home. I'm trying to keep his visits with the girls supervised, so I can't let him get into their stuff, so to speak.
As I was on the phone with Terry last night, here's what happened:
Babygate, what baby gate? I thought this would at least last a few weeks, he's only a few inches tall! I do tilt it inward just a bit, and he's just not strong enough or big enough (yet) to get a grip on the top to climb over (as he's doing in this picture). It really didn't work last night, but maybe he learned after he climbed over the top 3 times and I put him back in the room 3 times, maybe that's not what he wants to do. I think he just got too tired to do it again, so he went to sleep. I fully expect to wake up sometime soon with a warm cuddly spot on my shoulder or under my chin in my bed.
Yes, I spend all my time with my little ward. It's hard to have a bad attitude when you've got a kitten on your desk. Every company should provide Work Day Kittens, just to relieve the day-to-day stress!
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
hey - that phone call thing works both ways........
This is not directed at you, it is my soapbox statement for the day. Over the years I figured out I was the one that usually made the phone calls to keep up with people, so I decided a few years back, it needed to be more of a 2 way street. I'll still make the calls, but not as often as I used to.
Ohhh! Those flowers are the sweetest thing! I actually teared up a little (I'm not kidding) - what a lovely thing to do for a friend.
And I know what you mean. The couple of times I was unemployed, I heard from so few people...and why is that? Did they think "well, she can't have any extra money, so we just won't invite her?" or what? It's the time you need your friends the most.
And then, I'm just as guilty as doing the same thing (not staying in touch better). I'll have to work on that.
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