Monday, April 28, 2008


More about the title later...

Job Hunt
Some things never change! I'm being submitted for a BA job in Conyers. I need the practice, the money isn't enough for that type of commute, but why not? Other than that, I'm off to a job fair today, tomorrow is a Toastmasters meeting at lunch and that covers the week. For now.

Price of Gas
This is an issue that has me all befuddled. What can we do about it? The Administration (not just this one, but all of them) haven't funded alternative resources to oil, so we'll have to pay. This Administration held hearingz and decided that the Oil Companies weren't gouging us in the price, yet they've posted record profits. (Imagine an Oil Man saying the Oil Companies weren't makeing a profit?!) I like to say I'm a Libertarian and we need less governement interference, but oil never has reflected the economic theories of Supply and Demand (supply goes up, prices go down, demand goes up, or conversly supply goes down, prices go up and demand goes down.) With oil, prices go up, demand never changes, supply goes up or down, and prices go up. Anyway, is government regulation the answer? This is an example to me of how self-policing in any industry doesn't work. There's too much corporate greed. We do need renewable souces for fuel, and ethanol is an easy fix, but it's not the answer.

To use food sources for fuel sources doesn't make much sense, but then, don't you think we could remove some farm subsidies now that the corn farmers can make some money? Another government fix gone awry. So what to do? Walk, ride bikes, take public transportation. But as I just mentioned, I'm being considered for a job in a county that doesn't have transportation available to non-county residents. (You can get from Conyers to Atlanta on private buses, but you can't get from Atlanta to Conyers. Welcome to Atlanta, the City too Busy To Hate!)

OK, the mystery will be uncovered. I mentioned it before, but it came to pass on Saturday. I'm a Foster Mom for a kitty and her kitten. Betty and Harry are doing just fine! Harry is 2 weeks old, and his eyes just opened. He still can't see or walk, and right now, he just looks like a rat or hamster. Just a fuzzy little thing. And I do mean Little! Betty is a lovely grey kitty with green eyes, and a big mouth! She talks, a lot. The first night here she woke me up a few times meowing very loudly. I turned on a radio and all is well. I guess she just wasn't used to quiet. My other kitties aren't allowed in the room with Betty and Harry as Harry hasn't gotten any shots yet. Miss Katrina is a bit confused, she knows something is going on: I go into a room and she hears Betty meowing and Harry squealing and I come out smelling like another kitty.

When the family first arrived, we (the shelter manager and I) set her up in a box in the floor near the treadmill. At some point, Betty decided she didn't want to be there, so she took Harry and moved him to behind the treadmill. I had to move some things around, but she and Harry are now in their box, in a nice little corner. I brought Harry up to my computer table to play with him while I did some stuff online, but Betty didn't like that. She jumped on the table, and picked him up and took him back to his box. So cute!

This has resolved some of my boredom for now. I'll get some pictures posted. Someday.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

Betty probably did not like your snoring.... :)

Anonymous said...

Conyers might not be that bad of a commute. You'd be going against traffic, so you could drive the speed limit or more. Alpharetta would be WAY worse.