Friday, March 21, 2008

Comments for My Readers

I've gotten some very interesting comments in the past few days, and I'd like to acknowledge them.

To the former member of Earl Paulk's 'church', I wanted to say that I agree, the man is evil. Anyone who uses the name of the Lord to score in the bedroom is dispicable. And please, believe me, I'm empathsizing with these women, but I have to make one observation. I would call myself a spiritual person, Christian-lite if you will, but even I know that pre-marital or extra-marital sex is a sin. Why would otherwise Christian women belive a sleeze like Paulk, that having sex with him brings salvation? I am a woman, and I understand the power of attention and understanding and how a 'smooth talker' could persuade someone in a weak moment, but extra-marital sex is a sin. I'm not putting these women down, I just want to understand what they were thinking (or not thinking).

To JC, (no relation to the one mentioned in the above paragraph!) I like to think I'm more a libertarian than anything, but I want to understand their ideology. I agree, Hillary and Obama are walking a fine line towards socialism, and McCain isn't completely a Republican, and I will admit, I'd pretty much written him off due to his GOP affiliation. But in finding the link above, I read his platform, and I feel it deserves a closer look. I don't like to think I'm a One-Issue voter, but access to abortion is a major point of contention for me. The press broadcast him as being Pro-Life, but he's not trying to rescind Roe V Wade, he just wants it to be up to the individual state to make that decision. That's OK. I'm not real sure on the whole lowering corporate tax deal, but I need to wrap my head around that. If corporations are given too many breaks, then the People end up paying for them. And the corporate executives get millions of dollars in compensation. Keep reading and inputting your ideas. I like to think.

I'll have more thoughts on Monday, I have to go downtown to meet my former consulting company to give them my badge and get my stuff. I'm so pissed at the unprofessionalism this company is showing, but what do you expect? I understand that the DOC is a bit miffed with their attitude, also. It is what it is.

Have a good weekend.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

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