The temperature outsided now is all of 16 degrees (feels like 6!). This is COLD. At least it's not humid and we aren't worrying about snow. By Sunday it will be in the upper 50's. I've been wearing sweat pants to work and changing when I get here, it's just too cold to wear the thin cotten pants I usually wear. I'm also wearing 2 jackets, scarf and gloves. We just aren't prepared for such cold weather here, it rarely gets this cold. In MHO, it's not worth the investment of a heavy coat because there are winters where you just may not wear it. So I'll stick with my 2 jackets, it's not a good look, but it's functional.
A DJ on the station I listen to said on-air yesterday that it was so cold that piling was OK and she wouldn't be too picky who was in the pile. Interesting thought, piling...
Home Repair
Tried to fix the cabana on the deck last night when I got home. What was I thinking? It was 20 degrees and I'm outside attempting to take this crumpled mass of metal apart. The structure uses allen wrenches, not regular screws, so it's time consuming to take all these things apart. (One reason why I didn't take it down, it's just too hard for one person.) I don't think there's much to salvage, which is a shame, it was a great cabana. I'll think of a permanent-type sturcture next. Hey, it's only money....
Now, what you've all been waiting for: My Opinions!
The Ga Senate will be considering a bill HB998 that would make it legal for anyone to park an auto on any property set aside for parking autos when they have a gun inside. Why is this even necessary? And what does it mean? This is a total waste of time, why is it even an issue? OK, GOP, which is more important, property rights or gun rights? If some person comes to my house and parks in my driveway with a gun, then I can't ask them to leave? This law gives them the right to be there... Why don't we just do away with gun laws all together? Just let anyone own a gun and shoot anyone else. Oh wait, they do that now...What was I thinking?
Benazir Bhutto
Her assassination was a tragedy. She was pro-democracy in a country that understands the concept and maybe even wants to be democratic. I'm suprised that the current 'president' Musharraf has allowed Scotland Yard in to investigate the murder, I believe that he and his party are the cause of this. If he/they didn't have a direct hand in it, then they condoned the assassination. It's easy to blame Al-Quaida, and much easier in the eyes of the public.
Today's AJC
Very good op-ed piece by Jay Bookman in today's paper about how the Ga Legislature doesn't listen to their constituants. I completely agree, except I wouldn't stop at the Ga Legislature, I don't believe politicians in general listen to their constituants. They follow the money. The legislation has determined that tax reform is the most pressing issue today in Georgia. According to a the Peach State Poll (it's all stated in the article), the people feel and have felt for years the most important issues are education, environmental problems, economy, and more recently, the drought. Tax reform isn't even on the radar. WE HAVE TO GET OUT AND VOTE THESE BOZO'S OUT OF OFFICE!!!!
BTW, Miss K (Florence Nightenkitty) is looking for a nice lap to sit in...any volunteers?
More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'
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