Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Off To A Rip-Roaring Start!

70 degrees today! Last week it was 16. Stick around a few hours and the weather will definately change.

Resoutions? I don't Need No Stinking Resolutions!
So I wanted to start exercising more. I went for a walk on Saturday, planned to go biking on Sunday and walk yesterday. I ended up drinking on Sunday and I sat on my couch with kitties sleeping on either side of me last night. Maybe tonite....oh wait, it's supposed to rain. I should break out the treadmill. First, I need to FIND the treadmill. It's in the room I use as a 'staging area'. It's filled with all the Christmas decorations that I didn't put up, all the kitty carriers and suitcases I need to put in the attic for storage. Then I can find it. I know it isn't covered with clothes as I don't hang clothes on it, I instead pile them on tables in my bedroom....

Burning Bridges
I've been Deep In Thought lately about all the bridges I burned last year. I'm really not loosing any sleep over it, but I guess I'm getting a reputation as a True Bitch. (A Hasher I've know for awhile approached me at the CheddarHead and said he's heard that I hate hashers. Nice.) Can you burn a bridge before it's built? I have to learn to act on my intuition and get out of a situation before it becomes toxic. I tend to stick around and let things build up and then blow up. Bummer. One good thing about getting older is now you can call me 'Excentric'. I can live with that.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'


Anonymous said...

how about eccentric? How about a resolution to improve your spelling. Sorry, I feel like being bitchy today

Anonymous said...

well - if you are correcting spelling - loosing is spelled losing.