Thursday, December 13, 2007

Whew, Things are Rough in the ATL

Boy, you'd think the only news in the WORLD is that Petrino quit the Falcons! It even has over-shadowed Michael Vick! Boy, he's PO'ed a lot of people. He's a fine example of spineless untrustworthy people. He doesn't live up to his commitments, lies to people and doesn't seem to have any backbone. That's great example for kids, isn't it? I hope he's dug his own grave, this isn't the first organization he's committed to only to cut and run within days. Even if he never lost another game in his entire coaching career, could he still be portrayed as a 'Great Coach'? Hope not, character is part of the package.

Baggy Pants, Cont
I just wanted to make myself clear about this issue. I got a post from 'me' who seems to have taken issue with what I said. I'm all for the ban, I think from an esthetic perspective the 'fashion statement' sucks, it's not anywhere close to Good Taste. I beleive 100% in expressing yourselves and having the freedom to do so, but I also believe that you have to have rules to follow. And children, just being children have to learn to express themselves within a set of rules. When these kids become tax-paying adults, then they can dress anyway they want, but there has to be a set of standards.

What is this Country Coming To?
The recent Democratic Presidential Debates were conducted in English with Spanish translation. This is not right! We speak English in this country and our leaders should speak English. If you don't understand it, learn to speak English. It's not only the Dems that are guilty of 'pandering' to the immigrants, what has the Republican Congress led by a Republican president done about illegal immigration? Has the current Administration spoken out about an English-only rule? That's because it's all about money and votes. The majority of the illegal immigrants are Spanish speakers and potential voters (and, by extension, potential donations), therefore neither party will be the one to 'kick them out'. To give all these illegals voting rights would assure that they vote for the party that granted them the citizenship. So using that reasoning, maybe we should all learn Spanish, right 'me'?

Excess is disgusting
There has been a rash of recent thefts in high-price boutiques in and around Lenox Square Shopping Center , with thieves getting away with thousands of dollars of merchandise. The latest heist was at a jeans store, where the security cameras were NOT working. The thieves stole jeans priced at $200 each. $200 each??!! Who in the world buys that kind of stuff? That is definately a case of More Money than Sense.

Old Farts Dating
Oh my God, this is so depressing. I've started attempting this dating thing again, and now I remember why I don't date. One guy on the dating site wrote all about himself (which you're supposed to do) and was talking about 'not dating sinse I was divorced'. I've been told I'm too picky in my men, but I will add to the list 'You must have a grasp of Proper English and spelling.' Is it too much to ask that someone knows how to correctly type a grammatically correct, properly spelled sentence? I guess that is too much to ask for. <== Improper sentence. (Do you know why? No comments , 'me', you're a professional)

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, isn't this a little of the pot calling the kettle black? Your spelling is not the best and if that is all that is wrong with the guy, consider yourself lucky.