Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Turmoil on the Grid Iron, Part Duex

And we thought Michael Vick was sensational... So the coach of the Falcons cut and ran last night. I must say, I feel kinda sorry for Arthur Blank, the Falcons owner. He put his faith in Michael Vick, only to be stabbed in the back, and just when he thought he could start moving on, Petrino stabs him in the back. More money than sense?? Maybe. Petrino has had a lot of adversity this season, way beyond the job description, but the guy also has a history of running away. Arkansas was taking a HUGE chance hiring him. His track record is pretty dismal.
All this and I'm not a big sports fan. It's in the air.

Current Events
Not sure what's happening in the news, I have't been reading the paper in the morning. I've been listening to UC-Berkley History of Operating Systems lectures. Very exciting. (?) I know the Fed cut interest rates again yesterday (what are they now? 4.5?) Guess I best start looking into refinancing. Wonder if I'll qualify with such a short time on the job....

Led Zeppelin did a concert the other day for the first time in almost 30 years. I always thought they were cool, a bit harder rock that I cared for, but good. Something about a 60-something year-old-man strutting on stage screaming 'I wanna be your backdoor man' just isn't the same. But I'm sure they were amazing, just the musicianship alone is worth the price of the ticket. I think it's amazing that we still pay good money to see some ancient rockers strut what's left of their stuff. Will we be doing the same for rap? I think not. Most of the rap stars won't live long enough to experience old age.

Eating red meat increases your risk of certain types of cancer. Guess that's why there aren't any more cavemen, huh?

In Palm Beach County, Fl some residents are up in arms about the ordinance to spay or neuter their pets. 'It's like spaying one of your children' says one guy. Oh please! It's responsible pet ownership. If one of your kids ran away, they probably won't mate and get pregnant and you'd probably not give away or sell the babies. There was a big problem in Palm Beach when all the rich, old farts went up north in the spring, they'd just turn their pets loose to run the streets of Palm Beach. Dog packs were a real problem, and we all know that feral kitties kill birds. That's just sick. Here in the Deep South, there's also the Good Ole Boy attitude that pets are just pets, so when you can't feed them, shoot them. Spaying and neutering pets just isn't done. That's not real bright, either.

Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy, suffered a minor heart-attack yesterday. He's one who's aged very well. How long has he hosted Jeopardy, 100 years?

I stumbled across this article on how feminism and global warming are similar. Pretty intersting reading. Some good quotes about Rush and Pat Robertson. It's basically about how an issue, in this case global warming or feminism, can be sensationalized by people grasping one or two minor points and missing the major concepts of these ideas. There can be extremists on both sides. But then, this quote from the article says it all : 'It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that paying heed to people like Limbaugh or Robertson won't benefit one's intellectual capacity.'

Yes, sometimes I read articles on conservative sites. I came across this article on Universal Health Care. Now, contrary to popular belief, I an not a socialist, but something has to be done about health care or coverage. (There is a difference, read the article.) Makes you think.

More to come...
As things happen, I'll be posting. Thanks for taking the time to read. You're opinions are welcome but if you have to start calling me names, don't bother, I won't read them. As my Dad says 'Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you actually listen to people like Rush? Or just quotes (and/or misquotes) attributed to them? I have friends who hate Fox News, but have never actually watched it. Their hatred is based on what others tell them. You should try to get your news and information from as many points of view as possible and base your opinions on sound reasoning and what you know, not on hearsay.